Our Story
What We Do
The Team

Since 1982
40년 역사의 기반위에 새로이 도약하는
KIM & CHOI 회계법인은 그동안 성실히 쌓아온
노하우를 바탕으로 고객과 함께 성장합니다

KIM & CHOI 회계법인은 지난 40년간 Garden Grove, CA 에서 지역 한인들 비지니스와 세무관련 업무를 자문하고 수행하며 함께 이민사회의 발전과 역사에 동참해온
이광연 회계법인을 기반으로 설립되었습니다.
KIM & CHOI 는 그 간의 신뢰와 숙련된 노하우를 통하여 급변하는 시대적 요구에 발맞춰
한계를 뛰어넘어 한단계 앞서나가는 회계법인으로 새로이 도약하려 합니다.
항상 고객의 고민에 귀 기울이며 끊임없이 연구하고 노력하는 자세로 고객과 함께 성장하겠습니다.
성공을 향한 여정, KIM & CHOI 회계법인과 시작하세요!
Kim & Choi 회계법인은 회계, 세무, 컨설팅 분야에서
최상의 서비스를 제공합니다

회계업무, 급여 서비스, 각종 세금 관련업무를
대신하여 고객의 시간을 절약 해 드립니다.

Financial Statement Analysis, Bookkeeping and compilation
Accounting System Support –QuickBooks Set Up
Payroll tax deposit, payroll and W-2 reporting
Preparation of forecasts and budgets
복잡하고 어려운 세무문제,
숙련된 전문가가 함께 해결해 드립니다.

Income tax and Estate tax planning
Tax Audit Services – IRS, FTB, CDTFA, EDD
Multi-states and local tax services
FBAR-Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts

Business Consulting –
Start up and existing
business consulting
Strategic Business Planning
Financial Advisory
Business Valuations
Buy and Sell
Tax preparation for Individual, Corporation, LLC, Partnership, Trust & Non-profit Organizations
회사 설립부터 관리까지 고객에게
필요한 모든 것을 상담하고 도와드립니다.

The Team
고객을 진심으로 이해하는
최고의 전문가가 함께 합니다.
The Team
고객을 진심으로 이해하는
최고의 전문가가 함께 합니다
Yongsuk Kim is a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles and has been a member of Gatto McFerson, CPAs in Santa Monica, CA for over 25 years, providing a variety of financial, tax and consulting services.
Mr. Kim specializes in providing valuation services for veterinary practices and preparing tax returns and consulting services for real estate investment companies with various 1031 exchanges. In addition, Mr. Kim is experienced in providing personalized services for professionals and high net worth clients. Mr. Kim is a member of the AICPA and California Society of CPAs. He is currently serving as the Treasurer of the Korean-American CPA Society of Southern California (KACPA).
After majoring in accounting at California State University Fullerton, Sue has been building up a career in overall accounting practice and tax experience at Antonios K. Lee, CPA, P.C., for over 12 years.
Sue has extensive experience preparing, reviewing, and analyzing financial statements for variety of industries as well as payroll, sales and income tax reporting. She enjoys helping her clients solve day-to-day accounting problems and training clients’ staff and management in QuickBooks, bookkeeping, reading and understanding financial statements, and making sound financial decisions for their companies.

Yongsuk (Bob) Kim, CPA Partner

Sue Choi, CPA